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Tree ID: 6815

Yews recorded: Notable

Tree girth: 279cm

Girth height: 90cm

Tree sex: Unspecified

Date of visit: 4/11/1988

Source of earliest mention: Miss M.B.Butcher


4/11/1988: A letter from Miss M.B.Butcher was sent to the Conservation Foundation as part of their Country Living Yew Tree Campaign. Girths of 9′ 2” (279cm) at 3′ and 8′ 11” (272cm) at 4′ were reported. ‘Just above 3′ a branch leaves the trunk, but is not included in the measurement.’ Allen Meredith has written ‘280 years’ on the letter and a certificate giving this estimated age was sent to the church.

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Yew trees at Woodchurch:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
6815 Woodchurch Images Currently Unavailable Notable 279cm 90cm - view more info