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Tree ID: 859

Yews recorded: Ancient 7m+

Tree girth: 947cm

Girth height: at 30cm

Tree sex: Female

Date of visit: 30-Oct-98

Source of earliest mention: 1857: Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal


October – 1998 Tim Hills: An impressive tree consisting of five large trunks, the central three held together with a metal bar at about 20′. Girth about 31′ (945cm) at 1′.
2012 – Peter Norton: The massive female yew grows south of the porch, its girth 31′ 1” (947cm) at 1′. Due to the nature of the tree the tape was slightly angled to obtain the minimum girth. One of its branches has recently snapped off and now lies close to the bole. Three of its five main areas of growth are banded together high up in the canopy while one of the remaining is hollow and partially blocked with flints, although a thick internal root can still be observed.

Yew trees at Woolland:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
859 Woolland Ancient 7m+ 947cm at 30cm - view more info