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Tree ID: 5007

Yews recorded: Ancient 4m-5m

Tree girth: 401cm

Girth height: at 75cm

Tree sex: female

Date of visit: 1-Nov-16

Source of earliest mention: 2016: Paul Wood


November 2016 – Paul Wood: This healthy looking female yew was laden with arils at the time of the visit. It has a short fluted bole before an explosion of branches of all sizes. It is tall with the west side of the crown and canopy appearing to have suffered a little from storm damage. There was also a hint that the bole was starting to hollow. It was measured, as shown in the last photograph, at a narrow point approximately 2′ 6” above the path.

Yew trees at Wormbridge:

Tree ID Location Photo Yews recorded Girth
5007 Wormbridge Ancient 4m-5m 401cm at 75cm - view more info